computer vision

Traffic Sign Classification with 47 Classes: A Deep Learning Journey

[Introduction] Traffic signs are everywhere on our roads, ensuring safety and efficient traffic flow. But what if we could teach a computer to understand and interpret these signs, just like humans do? That’s exactly what we’re going to explore in this video. [Project Overview] In this project, we trained a deep learning model to classify …

Traffic Sign Classification with 47 Classes: A Deep Learning Journey Read More »

Face mask detection Gender Age prediction

As I mentioned in my previous blog, face mask detection uses deep learning techniques. In this blog, you will learn how to accurately detect the face mask and classify it into two categories (face mask and no face mask). For this purpose, first, we trained the deep learning CNN model (MOBILE NET) using the facemask …

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Realtime facemask detection | 100% accurately

Facemask detection using deep learning techniques. In this blog, you will learn how to accurately detect the face mask and classify it into two classes (face mask and no face mask). For this purpose First, we trained the deep learning CNN model(Resnet) using the facemask dataset. After training the model, we used that model with …

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Generative adversarial networks

“Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are an exciting recent innovation in machine learning. GANs are generative models: they create new data instances that resemble your training data. For example, GANs can create images that look like photographs of human faces, even though the faces don’t belong to any real person. “ Now Train The Model Results

Distance Measure in Python

Computer Vision is one powerful tool that helps in predicting various tasks.In this blog, you will learn how to measure the distance between a person and a camera. step 1 download the Haarcasde classifier to detect faces in real-time (haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml). Code:

Multi-Class Image Classification Flask App | Complete Project

As we know artificial intelligence is transforming many fields. Deep learning is one of the starts of the art model from a few decades. Convolutional neural network si one of the well know deep learning model. most of the time we train the model but we all think about that how we test the model …

Multi-Class Image Classification Flask App | Complete Project Read More »

Computer Vision in Healthcare and Medicine

What Is Computer Vision? Computer vision is a technology based on image processing and synthesis. It usually involves machine learning/deep learning and allows AI to simulate human vision. This technology aims to save time by automating manual image analysis and achieving a higher level of accuracy. For this purpose, an algorithm is fed with avast …

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Self-Supervised Learning?

Self-Supervised Learning (Self-Supervised Learning) is a new paradigm between unsupervised and supervised learning, which aims to reduce the challenging demand for large amounts of annotated data. It provides some kind of supervision signals for feature learning by defining annotation-free pretext tasks. The term self-supervised learning (SSL) has been used (sometimes differently) in different contexts and fields, such …

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