
Computer Vision in Healthcare and Medicine

What Is Computer Vision? Computer vision is a technology based on image processing and synthesis. It usually involves machine learning/deep learning and allows AI to simulate human vision. This technology aims to save time by automating manual image analysis and achieving a higher level of accuracy. For this purpose, an algorithm is fed with avast …

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Self-Supervised Learning?

Self-Supervised Learning (Self-Supervised Learning) is a new paradigm between unsupervised and supervised learning, which aims to reduce the challenging demand for large amounts of annotated data. It provides some kind of supervision signals for feature learning by defining annotation-free pretext tasks. The term self-supervised learning (SSL) has been used (sometimes differently) in different contexts and fields, such …

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What are AutoEncoders and why are they used?

An autoencoder is a type of artificial neural network used to learn efficient data codings in an unsupervised manner. The aim of an autoencoder is to learn a representation (encoding) for a set of data, typically for dimensionality reduction, by training the network to ignore signal “noise”. AutoEncoders compress the input into a lower-dimensional code and …

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How To Make Flask App

What is Flask? Flask is web Framework that provides libraries to build lightweight web applications in python.It is develpped by ARMIN Ronacher who leads an international group of python enthusiasts(POCCO). It is based on WSGI toolkit and jinja2 template engine.Flask is considered as a micro framework. Features of Flask Built-in development server and fast debugger. …

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